Friday, 29 July 2016

The Dragon

There are beasts and then there are Beasts.

The imagery of the Dragon can be seen as a metaphor for the human that has reconciled his opposites. Lower and higher human nature embodied in one being.

The lower nature (ie: the serpent) is that which is concerned with the material or physical pleasures and desires of worldly life and its associated attachments, from which emotions such as fear, anger, jealousy, infatuation, depression, envy, hatred and so on emerge from, out of ignorance. Seeing the illusory nature of the world as real.

The higher nature (ie: the bird) is that which is in accordance with higher knowledge, wisdom, truth, God, consciousness, detachment, objectivity, reason; qualities of the metaphysical or spiritual realm. This is where the attitudes of love, curiosity, sharing, honesty, giving and understanding emerge from. Seeing the illusory nature of the world as it is, an illusion, and remaining wholly detached from it.

The Dragon, the wise reptile with wings that breathes fire, is the being who has embraced, overcome and integrated his opposite natures, his "darker" and "lighter" aspects, to become something greater than his former unipolar fractured self; repressing, negating and regretting nothing. The authentic whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. The Dragon understands the illusory nature of the world, but chooses to engage and play with it anyways, as he understands it to be a game of his own creation. The projection of his own mind made manifest.

It is the metaphor of the human overcoming himself; The final self-transformation, through self-knowledge, attained through perpetual initiatory self-sacrifice. It is the sleeper awakened. The dream turned wholly lucid.

The human thrice born.

Originally published on my Facebook page May 3, 2016.

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